Family Ministries

Zion's Family Night

Zion's Family Night is a mid-week educational opportunity for the entire family.

For more information about the various programs that are a part of Zion's Family Night, please check out the links below:

Planet Shakers: Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. (6:30-8:00 pm at the Fellowship Hall)

Rock-Us: Children and teens in 6th through 12th grades. (5:45-8:30 pm at The Journey Café)

Acts 2: Adults (6:30-8:00 pm at the Library)

Time: Wednesday evenings during the school year. Programs begin at 5:45 pm at the café and 6:30 pm at the church.

Wednesday night activities snow policy: If Hamburg Area School District is canceled for the day or has an early dismissal, there will be NO Wednesday night activities. If the weather is bad after school dismisses at regular time and we decide to cancel, we will announce it on our Facebook page.

*The program will be canceled if Hamburg School District is closed. We will also post a notice to Facebook.

planet shakers graphic
people gathered in the darkened theatre area of the journey cafe singing religious songs

Moms of the Vine

A place for mommas & their children to share life together & grow their relationship with Christ. Meet-ups for moms and kids are scheduled for twice a month. Events are planned to accommodate both working and stay-at-home moms and kids of all ages. Whatever stage of motherhood you are in, this is a community for you!

Join up with our group on Facebook

Family Events

Family events are held multiple times throughout the year and feature exciting games, activities, and food for preschool through 5th grade children and their families. This can be a fun way to visit Zion's Church for the first time, invite a new friend to church, or just have a memorable family experience. Past events have included a life-sized Candyland adventure, Family Fall Festival, and blacklight parties to name a few.

people at a blacklight party with fun colors and food
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